Step into your dream role with newfound confidence and clarity. Be the leader who embraces a positive work culture and increases employee engagement and has the skills and mindset needed to lead in today's rapidly evolving business landscape.

Did you have big plans and dreams about your career but then life got in the way; you lost momentum or the perfectionists tendencies took over.

The fact that you are reading this means you are ready to make the change.

Book a CALL to see how I can help you or your organisation


Step into your dream role with newfound confidence and clarity. Be the leader who embraces a positive work culture and increases employee engagement and has the skills and mindset needed to lead in today's rapidly evolving business landscape.

Did you have big plans and dreams about your career but then life got in the way; you lost momentum or the perfectionists tendencies took over.

The fact that you are reading this means you are ready to make the change.

Book a CALL to see how I can help you or your organisation
Hi, I’m Pankti.
I am an Associate Certified Coach with the ICF and hold the EMCC Global Individual Accreditation at the Practitioner Level. My coaching is based on Neuroscience and Psychology informed approaches. In my Rekindle Your Fire Leadership program I help my clients build confidence and grit to become role models, go for the promotion, find their voice, and challenge the status quo; without sacrificing themselves and compromising family time.

My coaching style is calm, spacious and informal, and our conversations will be a mixture of support and challenges to figure out your next steps.

In addition to being a Coach, I am a qualified Actuary and have over 15 years of experience as a Senior Actuary with expertise in leadership, team and project management and mentoring. I have experience of being a senior professional in the financial services market in this day and age; having seen and experienced what most of my clients face in their professional lives.

As an Indian now living in the UK, I have experience of different cultures (both eastern and western) and understand how different people think and work. I adapt my coaching style to meet the cultural experiences of my clients.

I live in London with my husband and 2 young children. I love travelling and we are off exploring different countries on most school holidays. The rest of my time is spent negotiating with my children, reading or watching Netflix.

Why coaching works?
When faced with a problem, it is natural to seek advice from others, such as friends, family or colleagues. However, their advice is based on their personal experiences, storles, and cultures, and may not fully resonate with you.

Alternatively, if you are encouraged to find your answers and solutions, your brain starts building neural pathways that help you learn from your experiences. This leads to clarity on the solutions that are appropriate for you. Once you have found the solutions that are right for you, you will be excited and motivated to take action.

Coaching is a powerful tool that helps you find these solutions because they are true to who you are. Unlike advice from others, coaching helps you expand your thinking and is tallored to your unique situation. Think of a coach as a passenger on your journey, with you as the driver leading the way.


Let's reignite the fire within you and help you achieve your career goals. My Rekindle Your Fire Leadership Framework will enable you to overcome any obstacles, regain your momentum, and establish a clear path forward that aligns with your values and aspirations.

Set the Stage for Success: Let's kickstart our coaching journey by setting clear goals; that will have an immediate positive impact on your leadership skills, enabling you to make the best use of your valuable time.
Lay Solid Foundations: Future success relies on solid foundations! We will work to understand your priorities helping you integrate self-care into your daily routine. You will develop the ability to set clear boundaries and establish effective habits. This will enable you to focus your energy on what truly matters, allowing you to make a positive impact in the world.
Unlock Your True Self: Gain confidence and embrace your uniqueness by understanding your values, motivations, strengths, and mindset while shedding limiting beliefs.
Ignite Your Vision: With these new insights, you will be prepared to dream big and create a roadmap to make those dreams a reality. We will develop a plan of inspired actions to execute immediately and make this happen.
Equip You for your future: You will be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to overcome any challenges that may arise during your journey, enabling you to not only make an immediate impact but also create lasting change.

Book a CALL to see how I can help you or your organisation

What my clients say ...

Lorraine Crighton-Smith

Coach and Marketing Mentor

Pankti’s professionalism stands out in a sea of unregulated coaches in the UK. Her calming presence and powerful questions have helped me reach goals I’ve procrastinated on for months. Her non-judgemental approach creates a safe space to discuss business plans or more sensitive issues, and she has an impressive toolkit, including strengths and personality tests that give you such self-awareness you can begin to thrive in your environment and become the leader you long to be. I highly recommend working with Pankti as your coach.

Franki Hale

Managing Director/Founder Sonder Associates

Pankti has helped me gain clarity and understanding on my next steps whenever I felt stuck. Through powerful questions she challenged my thinking which helped me set my goals and take action both in my professional and personal life. She creates a calm and comfortable environment making it easy to talk to her.

Anna Browning

Teacher , Writer & Coach

I have had a series of coaching sessions with Pankti over the past few weeks and have found them really helpful. Pankti is warm, approachable and professional. I quickly felt that I could trust her and it was easy to open up and be honest with her. I appreciate the way she reflects back what I have said as a way of getting me to think about things from a new perspective and how much she really listens to what I am saying. Pankti is really good at helping me to pinpoint the underlying issues and then explore ways to move on. I liked the way she invited me to use writing to help me to visualise a “new me” as I had told her I enjoy writing. I feel I have gained a lot of clarity and confidence from working with Pankti and I would highly recommend her

HR Director, London

I have worked with Pankti for a number of coaching sessions and found them hugely rewarding.Not only has Pankti given me valuable time to reflect on work and personal situations, but she has helped me see scenarios differently and created the opportunity for me to explore what I really wanted.  Pankti created a safe yet challenging environment for each of our session.

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