Are you someone who strives for excellence and has ambitious goals, but finds yourself feeling stuck and uncertain about what to do next? Perhaps you had a plan, but life got in the way, you lost momentum, or you're struggling with perfectionist tendencies that are holding you back.

Are you a senior leader who has lost confidence in your abilities? Do you feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities you have both at work and home? Are you struggling to delegate tasks, develop your junior team members, or communicate effectively with those at the top?

Or maybe you just want to take your game to the next level with confidence and clarity.

I understand how frustrating and uncertain it can be when you feel stuck in a critical moment of transition. But don't worry – you don't have to navigate this journey alone. That's where I come in!

What will you get while working with me:

An ICF accredited coach offering professional support customised to your needs
A non-judgemental sounding board - understands what you want and partners with you to achieve this
Confidentiality - our conversations and anything you bring will not be discussed outside our sessions
Someone who challenges you to push your boundaries and live life on your terms
Tools and techniques to support your journey

How to work with me:

Ready to feel more energised and live a life aligned to your values? Gain clarity and build meaningful relationships. Here are 3 ways you can work with me:


What does it cover?

1 x 90 minutes online coaching call. Pre-work and follow up call summary.


Focus on resolving ONE burning issue to provide IMMEDIATE impact. You will leave our call with renewed energy and clarity on the next steps to resolve the issue.

Investment: £500


What does it cover?

10am to 3pm one to one coaching day online or at a mutually agreed venue in London.

60 minutes call before the day to set goals and a 30 minutes follow up call after a week in addition to accountability check-in via email one month after the coaching day.


A day to step away from your routine and focus on YOU. We will look at your current blockers, work through your values and mindset and create an action plan for what you want whether it is promotion, confidence in your leadership or work-life integration. In addition I will be there to provide you with accountability support for a month after our session

Investment: £1600


What does it cover?

1 x 90 minutes online coaching call. Pre-work and follow up call summary.


Focus on resolving ONE burning issue to provide IMMEDIATE impact. You will leave our call with renewed energy and clarity on the next steps to resolve the issue.

Investment: £500


What does it cover?

10am to 3pm one to one coaching day online or at a mutually agreed venue in London.

60 minutes call before the day to set goals and a 30 minutes follow up call after a week in addition to accountability check-in via email one month after the coaching day.


A day to step away from your routine and focus on YOU. We will look at your current blockers, work through your values and mindset and create an action plan for what you want whether it is promotion, confidence in your leadership or work-life integration. In addition I will be there to provide you with accountability support for a month after our session

Investment: £1600


What does it cover?

8 x 60 minutes of customised online 1:1 support over 16 weeks. You will implement the tools learnt between sessions to see the effectiveness and leave with a customised toolkit and further reading to support your journey in the future.


This is my signature package, we start with getting super clear on the goals, uncover what is holding you back and create and actionable plan for your next steps. In addition to the toolkit that you will develop for life you will have me as a coach to support and guide you when you are wobbling!

Investment: £1800

To find out more about my Rekindle Your Fire Leadership programme download my leaflet.

If you are ready to start building a better future today then book a 30-minute clarity call with me.

Client Stories

Lorraine Crighton-Smith

Coach and Marketing Mentor

Pankti’s professionalism stands out in a sea of unregulated coaches in the UK. Her calming presence and powerful questions have helped me reach goals I’ve procrastinated on for months. Her non-judgemental approach creates a safe space to discuss business plans or more sensitive issues, and she has an impressive toolkit, including strengths and personality tests that give you such self-awareness you can begin to thrive in your environment and become the leader you long to be. I highly recommend working with Pankti as your coach.

Franki Hale

Managing Director/Founder Sonder Associates

Pankti has helped me gain clarity and understanding on my next steps whenever I felt stuck. Through powerful questions she challenged my thinking which helped me set my goals and take action both in my professional and personal life. She creates a calm and comfortable environment making it easy to talk to her.

Anna Browning

Teacher , Writer & Coach

I have had a series of coaching sessions with Pankti over the past few weeks and have found them really helpful. Pankti is warm, approachable and professional. I quickly felt that I could trust her and it was easy to open up and be honest with her. I appreciate the way she reflects back what I have said as a way of getting me to think about things from a new perspective and how much she really listens to what I am saying. Pankti is really good at helping me to pinpoint the underlying issues and then explore ways to move on. I liked the way she invited me to use writing to help me to visualise a “new me” as I had told her I enjoy writing. I feel I have gained a lot of clarity and confidence from working with Pankti and I would highly recommend her

HR Director, London

I have worked with Pankti for a number of coaching sessions and found them hugely rewarding.Not only has Pankti given me valuable time to reflect on work and personal situations, but she has helped me see scenarios differently and created the opportunity for me to explore what I really wanted.  Pankti created a safe yet challenging environment for each of our session.